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The company Diopas SA in collaboration with the Expertise Provider (the Ichthyology Laboratory of the Department of Biology of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki-AUTH) created the innovative tool COATFISH, thanks to the innovation coupon received from the CCCI Thessaloniki (Commercial and Industrial) ADRION).



Use of antifouling coating in netting traps for the coastal fisheries

In coastal fishing, various nets are used from static fishing gear, which tend to accumulate a sufficient amount of biomass on the net.

This results in:

  • The collection of small marine animals that the fisherman-operator does not need
  • The burden of the trap with extra weight, which can be fatal when lifting the tool and remain at the bottom forming a Ghost Net.


The aim was to design, construct, and test in the marine environment traps from nets infused with material that reduces biomass accumulation for the period they are submerged in the sea.

Diopas SA built traps whose nets were infused with antifouling and tested on the seabed. After about four months on the seabed the traps infused with the antifouling agent were almost 100% clean, thus allowing the safe lifting of the fishing gear.

This new product benefits:

  • the environment, as the traps remain clean and are selective in their fishing, fishing species that will not be thrown away
  • the trap is lighter so there is no risk of the rope being cut and falling to the bottom of the sea and forming a Ghost Net.
  • the fisherman, this infused trap is also a tool with a longer lifespan.


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