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Innovation Vouchers for SMEs of the Region of Central Macedonia

The company DIOPAS S.A. based in the Region of Central Macedonia, joined the Action “Innovation Vouchers for SMEs of the Region of Central Macedonia”.


The Action aims to strengthen micro, small and medium enterprises, through the purchase of innovative consulting and support services for the transfer of know-how from institutionally recognized Innovation Bodies, for:

  • the development of innovative products / services,
  • the development of innovative production or operation processes and
  • improving the quality of products / services produced.

The total budget of the investment is € 12,400 (including VAT), of which the Public Expenditure amounts to € 10,000 and is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) of the European Union (EU) and National Resources under the Operational Program Central Macedonia »2014-2020.


The business plan approved for funding concerns the elaboration of a Knowledge Transfer Plan for the Investigation of new environmentally friendly associations that prevent the attachment of organisms to the sea, in collaboration with the National Center for Research and Technological Development (CERTH).


Through participation in the Action, the company achieved:

  • development of cooperation with research and technological bodies
  • acquisition of significant know-how
  • ensuring higher quality products & services


Innovation Vouchers for SMEs of the Region of Central Macedonia


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